Master of/Magisteriate in Engineering


Project. Depending on individual department requirements, students may choose to do one or more projects as part of their program. They do so by registering for one or more of the sequence ENGR 6971, 6981, 6991. Where students choose to carry out a multi-course project, the project will be graded by at least two professors.

ENGR 6971 Project and Report I (4 credits). The purpose of the project report is to provide students in the MEng program with an opportunity to carry out independent project work and to present it in an acceptable form. The project may consist of the following:

  1. A theoretical study of an engineering problem.

  2. A design and/or development project conducted at Concordia.

  3. A design and/or project conducted as part of the student’s full-time employment, providing the student’s employer furnishes written approval for the pursuit and reporting of the project.

  4. An ordered and critical exposition of the literature on an appropriate topic in engineering.

Before registration for a project course, a student must obtain written consent of a faculty member who will act as advisor for the report. A form for this consent is available in the Office of the Dean of Engineering and Computer Science.

A four-credit report is due on the last day of classes of the term (fall, winter, summer) in which it is registered. Students are expected to have a preliminary version of their report approved by their advisor before its final submission. On or before the submission deadline, students must submit three copies of the report to their advisors, who will grade the report. One copy of the report will be returned to the students, one retained by the advisors, and one by the department.

The report, including an abstract, must be suitably documented and illustrated, should be at least 5000 words in length, must be typewritten on one side of 21.5 cm by 28 cm white paper of quality, and must be enclosed in binding. Students are referred to Form and Style: Thesis, Report, Term Papers, fourth edition by Campbell and Ballou, published by Houghton Migglin.

ENGR 6981 Project and Report II (4 credits)

ENGR 6991 Project and Report III (5 credits)

With the permission of their Department, students in the MEng Program may register for these project courses if they wish to carry out a more extended project, or if they wish to complete further projects. Each project course requires prior approval by the faculty member who has accepted to supervise the work. Students working on a multi-course project must register for the corresponding project courses in successive terms. For ENGR 6991 and multi-course projects, the report is due on the last day of classes of the last term in which they are registered. In the case of ENGR 6991 and multi-course project, three copies of the report must be submitted to the advisor on or before this deadline, and students are also required to make an oral presentation to the evaluators, and other members of the community. The report will be evaluated by the advisor and at least one other Engineering and Computer Science member of the Gina Cody School.

Extract from Concordia's Engineering Programs page. Click here for Concordia's offical page

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